Tuesday, August 16, 2011


My dearest VW, we called you Bug.

Many days were we together, coasting to a gas pump.
The rides to school from seminary I will never forget.
I hope to never see your frame in a lump.
I loved you from the beginning and will always regret
leaving you behind; I feel like a chump.


Allison Lefler said...

I would have come to the funeral and had many nice things to say.

Every time I see a white VW it take me back to my high school days of flipping open the hood.

Bless you little VW bug. Bless you.

Stephanie Saunders said...

I still remember you putting a straw where the windshield wiper should have been...

rantipoler said...

Condolences on your loss. JC knows how you feel. He left his car behind, too.

Rosalyn Francis said...

A book arrived from amazon last week called, "Keeping Your Bug Alive". It will be loved 4x's over... I can't tell who is hurting more, you or M&D.