Anyway. We had a blast--but she took a little swim in the second rapid. And luckily we got it on film.
These first three are from Timezone (our first rapid on the lower stretch)
Kid up front= just looking at dad.
The goofs up front really weren't paddling at all--so I had to yell at them.
Here we are set up and pushing in the first crashing wave in Tight Squeeze. (Rapid number 2 and also my favorite rapid)
Watch Connie--in the straw hat.
Now you see her.
Now you don't.
Flotsam and jetsam. (Not the eels)
You can actually see her holding on to the rope on the boat here. She's right on the top-left side of the boat (from my perspective)
Connie is actually one of my favorite people. We just get along really well. It's really hard for me not to like someone that appreciates my jokes so much. And someone that will tell me a joke that I really, really, really, *really* like.
Ok--since I know you're dying to know what it is, I'll tell you.
What are the sexiest animals on the farm?
Answer: Highlight below so I know you're not cheating.
Brown chicken, brown cow. (But say it with the rhythm of bow chicka wow wow)