I could possibly be making a new blog-- I guess it will depend if I get kicked out of school this semester or not.
Until Friday, I wait. (And by that I mean not sleep and study)
Much like there is a great Circle of Life there is a great relationship Circle of Growth. The basics of it are:
We like to stay in a comfortable/safe spot. When one person gets bored the relationship is pushed from the safe spot into the Circle of Growth. There isn't anything the other partner can do about it; the relationship has already moved to a new place. Once out of the comfort circle there are 3 options:
1, pretend it never happened and go back to same comfort level as before;
2, end the relationship because it is just to great a change;
3, grow together, increase commitment and trust, after which the larger circle then becomes the new circle of comfort and safety.
And to answer your unanswered question. Yes, I am using this post as a mode of studying.
Christmas Eve 2024
4 weeks ago